Friday, September 13, 2013

My Life in a Box

Here is the analogy that describes my life. Imagine that you are living within a box. This box is well organized but fairly plain. Almost like it was decorated by someone else. There are no windows and only a door. But when you try this door you realize that it is locked. Only someone from the outside can open this door. So you sit there in your box. Days, weeks, months, even years pass by. The box occasionally is knocked around but remains largely intact. People come in and they eventually leave, some sooner than others. You realize that when these people come in you enter your own little box within your self. You have created this box out of fear. In reality you hate the original box, and its twin living inside of you. However you cannot leave because you are stuck, physically and mentally in the original box. Then however certain people start to enter your box. You realize that these people are helping you to break your internal box. Slowly the box within yourself is torn away by these people. You become happier, but then despair because you are still living inside of the original box. You wish to leave this box. To have it broken down, just the others you had seen who preach saying that they had their own boxes broken. Well your wish finally came true. Through one massive event your whole box falls apart around you. But you are not happy. "Why did it break apart like this" you scream. You develop a ever burning hatred, for you did not realize how painful it would be to be ripped out of your box. Even though you had wished to remove yourself from the box, the pain and suffering that would follow had never occurred to you. But then the people who had helped you before with Box 2 were appearing again, and they had brought friends. Slowly you start to forget the hatred, and forgive what ever had shattered your box. Now with these people are standing at your back, and you are stronger then ever. For you had conquered the box.

1 comment:

  1. Man, Matthew-- some hard life is behind this post. Your analogy is so apt for describing the confines we can find ourselves in, or PUT ourselves in. And you're right: the demolition of those confines may be desired, but is inevitably brutal. I have my own version of this same metaphor, but I think of the "box" being a tower. When "the tower" fell in my own life, it felt like my world had been decimated.

    But-- like you express-- it was also the beginning of something huge, and the first step towards real freedom.

    Thanks for the truth here, and for the solid illustration.
    (full credit, thanks to the time stamp)
